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LCC AGM event with bike in foreground and people talking

Board of Trustees

LCC’s Trustees provide vital oversight – the ten-strong Board help keep the organisation on track and make sure the charity stays in the very best shape possible.

About the trustees

The Board of Trustees ensure LCC’s CEO and staff team are working in the most effective way towards our campaigning and strategic goals. Trustees hold responsibility for making sure LCC meets its legal obligations, ensuring its finances are well-managed, making sure governance structures are functioning well, and overseeing the charity’s internal democracy.

Members of the Board sit on committees (Business Committee, Campaigns & Active Membership and the Nominations Committee). Trustees are expected to attend regular Board meetings – usually about seven a year plus the AGM – and occasional board away days. Trustees are also encouraged to participate in one or more of the committees or working groups according to their own interests.

Being a charity trustee is a great way to skill up in leadership and governance. You oversee all manner of activities, from safeguarding to equality work. You network with people across London and beyond who have deep insight and expertise in cycling, transport, active travel, the climate emergency and more. And you help shape the future of cycling, and our city, for the better.

If you would like to find out more about being a trustee (no previous experience of being a trustee is necessary) please have a read of this blog from our previous chair Eilidh Murray. You are welcome to email info@lcc.org.uk for an informal conversation with current members of the board at any point.


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