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Dangerous Junctions

The majority of serious and fatal collisions happen at junctions. Explore London's most dangerous junctions and how to fix them.

Most serious and fatal collisions happen at junctions – fixing them is one of the most important things we can do to make cycling in London safer.
Why are junctions so important?

Sometimes junctions are so hostile they act as a barrier to people cycling in and around a whole area. When they’re improved the payback is huge – they unlock miles of new cycle routes and make cycling, walking and wheeling safer for thousands of people.

Which junctions are the worst?

Using a custom-designed map (updated for 2024), we’ve identified the most dangerous London junctions for people cycling and walking in every borough.  We’re calling on the Mayor, Transport for London and local councils to make rapid temporary improvements; followed by permanent changes that remove all critical safety failures. After years of inaction, we press politicians to put lives over driving convenience and fix more junctions on our map.

How can I help?

We need to keep this issue in the spotlight so funding is made available and barriers to progress removed. Please use the map to find the worst junctions in your area and get in touch with your local group to help fight for change. And if you’re a councillor, council officer or transport planner, read our policy recommendations on how to make junctions safer.


Explore the map of London's most dangerous junctions for people walking and cycling, and the policy guide on how to redesign junctions to make them safe.


How to fix junctions faster - an expert guide for councillors, council officers and campaigners, packed with design criteria and examples


Year of inaction at London's most dangerous junctions

Updated map reveals human cost behind year of inaction from Mayor, TfL & London councils

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Bank junction: taxis fight again for access

Taxis want to drive through Bank all hours and some in the City support them, it's a terrible idea

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Junctions Transformed

Junctions across London are being transformed right now to make cycling safer. We review the builds in progress.

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London's most dangerous junctions for cycling and walking mapped

New interactive map shows for the first time London's most dangerous junctions for cycling and walking by borough

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Open letter re Battersea Bridge fatality

Following the fatal collision with a 27 year old woman on Battersea Bridge, a known and untreated collision hotspot, we are calling for action.

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PROTEST: Battersea: too little, too late

27 year old woman killed cycling on Battersea Bridge 10 August, LCC protest at bridge now 7 September.

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Protected cycle lanes at St Paul's

The City is planning to transform the hated St Paul's gyratory to include safe cycle tracks and improved junctions.

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Battersea Bridge scheme approved

Good news; TfL's proposals for Battersea Bridge's northern junction will save lives. Bad news: it doesn't go far or fast enough.

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How to fix junctions faster - a guide

Time to “put safety first” on dangerous junction, says new LCC report on systemic barriers to bolder, more rapid rollout of safer junctions.

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