Green Recovery or Climate Crisis? Clean Air or Lethal Pollution? Active Travel or Gridlock? This is a critical election for London.
In 2021 we knew the next mayor must work quickly to build a positive recovery from the COVID crisis towards a zero-carbon future. To transform London’s streets so that walking, cycling and public transport are the natural choices, and where we all have smarter, cheaper and easier options for how we get about. To create a city where the air is clean, neighbourhoods are healthier and where London is playing its part in averting the Climate Emergency.
But if the next mayor fails to act, it will leave Londoners stuck in gridlock, choking on fumes and facing a bleak climate future.
Massively extend the high-quality cycling network, and fast
We called on all candidates to promise to deliver 50% of the Strategic Cycling Network complete by 2024, creating streets where everyone who wants to cycle, can.
Give every Londoner access to dockless e-bikes and electric car clubs
We called on all candidates to promise to make sure all Londoners have access to alternatives to the private car such as dockless e-bikes, cargo bikes and electric car clubs within 300m of their home or work.
Create a fairer, simpler “smart road user charging” system
We called on all candidates to promise to replace all current road charges with a London-wide Smart Road User Charge, to reduce congestion and free up the space needed for cycling, walking and public transport.
Climate Safe Streets Report
London can rise to meet the challenge and be the first mega city in the world to create zero-carbon roads. The next mayor has a decision to make - start delivering this plan now, or carry on delaying until it’s too late.
“As the Liberal Democrat candidate for Mayor of London, I welcome LCC’s three point agenda to create zero carbon roads by 2030, and am committed to achieving it.
I will work to accelerate the roll out of a high-quality cycle network, delivering 50% of the Strategic Cycling Network, improve transport options by ensuring that Londoners live and work within 300m of a share mobility option like dockless bikes or e-scooters, and introduce fairer pay-as-you-go smart road pricing. 
The time to tackle the climate emergency is now. London can lead the way with rewilding - from green roofs to green walks, a zero emissions bus fleet, free bikes on Sundays, stopping the Silvertown tunnel and airport expansions, and investing in active travel as well as clean, green public transport options. ”“London can be the greenest city in the world, and I promise to deliver zero carbon transport across London by 2030. Not just roads - but the entire transport system.
We haven’t seen nearly enough on this yet. There's no traffic reduction target, there's no mission to get people travelling differently like during the Olympics, and there hasn't even been a shred of work on a smart, fair road pricing system. 
Lockdown gave Londoners a taste of cleaner air, quieter neighbourhoods and safer streets - any why wouldn't we keep all of that? A Green Mayor will deliver on the three asks of LCC’s Climate Safe Streets campaign and beyond, investing in walking and cycling, getting more cars off the road, expanding low traffic neighbourhoods in a joined up way, and just as importantly - setting a target for zero deaths on our roads so people feel safe and empowered to get on their bikes in London. ”Become A Member And Support Our Work
LCC is highly effective because it's supported by more than 10,000 members. If you cycle in London please consider joining today. You'll be supporting our work and you'll get a huge range of benefits too.