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Bermondsey Tour – Southwark Healthy Ride

Saturday September 21 2024 @ 10:00 am

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NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/bermondsey-tour-a-southwark-healthy-ride-tickets-1015650667487
Bermondsey, the area along the Thames between Rotherhithe and Tower Bridge and bounded to the south by the Old Kent Road, has a long history. The wharves along the Thames were used to import food which in turn spawned food processing factories inland. The social history was interesting too. Dickens describes it as having the worst slums in London but in the early 20th century Bermondsey was a pioneer in slum clearance and social housing. Om this easy ride we will pass the site of a medieval abbey, signs of tannin, an abandoned biscuit factory and more. Start 10am in Deal Porter Square, opposite Canada Water Station, finish there 12 noon. 9 miles of cycling, frequent short stops, maybe even time for a coffee at the finish. Bruce leading. Route map at https://www.google.com/maps/d/edit?mid=1G-3W6xSCsWXFZPea5hSb5sd2yCSylZ4&usp=sharing
Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Same for “adults at risk”. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users feel safe. If you cannot make a ride, please cancel so that someone else can take the place.
This ride is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides organised by Southwark Cyclists, more information at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/.

Event Details

September 21, 2024
10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Event Categories:
Southwark Cyclists
Canada Water
Surrey Quays Road
London, Greater London SE16 7AR United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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