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Box Hill vista, café and woods from Croydon

Sunday June 9 2024 @ 10:00 am

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On Sunday 9th June we are riding to Box Hill vista, café and woods from Queens Gardens. We will not ride all the way back to Croydon but catch the train from Tadworth station (changing at Purley for East Croydon).

The route is on little-trafficked roads and off-road paths. It is 17 miles to the Box Hill café where we park the bikes and can snack and have a drink and start to enjoy the ride on foot. The amount of climb involved is less then 500 feet to the top from the lowest point in South Croydon, over a 16 mile distance. The café is close to the famous vista and the start of woodland trails. We will stay there for as long as we want, weather permitting, then ride the 5.5 miles back to Tadworth station.

Because a 1.2mile section of the route is on uneven ground, your tires should not be narrower than 28mm. Road bikes with tires that wide can complete the ride.

We will arrive at the Box Hill café after 2 1/2 hours riding – say 12:45 and leave at either 14:20 or 15:20 depending on how long we want to stay. On Sundays Tadworth – Purley trains are hourly, at 15:16, 16:16, 17:16. If the weather is good we will get the 16:16 otherwise the 15:16. Purley – East Croydon trains are frequent even on Sundays. We pass Tadworth station on the way out and the return route is easy to remember if anyone wants to leave early.

Bring a bottle of water. Bring an inner tube. If the valve on your tires is Schrader (short and thick, same as a car tire) you will need a pump too.

The train takes 35 minutes from Tadworth to East Croydon including the change at Purley. The ride finishes at Tadworth station.

As always, the ride is also posted in Lets Ride https://letsride.co.uk/rides/box-hill-vista-cafe-and-woods-from-croydon
and our WhatsApp group https://chat.whatsapp.com/HFVOnWScHzi0Ss1w1leYrE for more riders, chat, photos and on the day info.

Event Details

June 9, 2024
10:00 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:
Croydon Social Cycling Group
View Organizer Website
Queens Gardens
Park Lane
Croydon, CR0 1GY United Kingdom
+ Google Map
View Venue Website

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