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Canada Water to Buckingham Palace – Southwark Healthy Ride

Saturday July 6 2024 @ 10:00 am

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NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/canada-water-to-buckingham-palace-cycle-ride-tickets-937802190597
10am. Start/finish in Deal Porter Square, next to Canada Water library and over the road from CW Station, SE16 7AR. You can also join the ride at London Bridge; be at the Southwark Gateway Needle, south east side of bridge, at 10.20. Easy, 10 mile, 2.5 hour, flat ride that starts along Cycleway 4 then goes across London Bridge, along Embankment (Cycleway 3) and passes Houses of Parliament, St James Park and Buckingham Palace. Return starts across Westminster Bridge then keeps to the south side of the river, along Lower Marsh, then mostly Cycleway14 – Union Street, Leathermarket St, Tanner St, Dockhead, ending with Thames path route/C14 back to CW. Although we are on some busy roads, most have a cycle lane or bus lane. Possible coffee stop at Dockhead. Ride leader Simon K.
Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Same for “adults at risk”.
This ride is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides organised by Southwark Cyclists, more information at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/.

Event Details

July 6, 2024
10:00 am - 12:30 pm
Event Categories:
Event Tags:
Southwark Cyclists
07729 279 945
Canada Water
Surrey Quays Road
London, Greater London SE16 7AR United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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