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Canceled An introduction to being a ride marshal course – Enfield

Londra Bisiklet Kulubu Churchfueld Recreation Ground, Enfield, London, United Kingdom
    London Cycling Campaign

This is an introductory course to being a ride marshal on larger group rides. The first part of the session is classroom based and we explore the kinds of risks we might identify when planning a ride or marshalling a ride, the role of the marshal and other roles on a led ride, communication between […]

An introduction to being a ride marshal course – Clerkenwell

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This is an introductory course to being a ride marshal on larger group rides. The first part of the session is classroom based and we explore the kinds of risks we might identify when planning a ride or marshalling a ride, the role of the marshal and other roles on a led ride, communication between […]

Pre-ride recce: LCC Women’s Freedom Ride

Marble Arch Corner of Oxford Street and Park Lane, Westminster, London, United Kingdom
    London Cycling Campaign

This is a pre-ride recce of the route of the LCC Women's Freedom Ride. It is for people who have volunteered to marshal on the ride. It will be lead by the Freedom Ride ride leader with a briefing, an overview of the main risks and the plan to manage them and roles will be […]

Introduction to Ride Leader course – Herne Hill

Herne Hill Velodrome 104 Burbage Road, Herne Hill, London, United Kingdom
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Introduction to Ride Marshal course – Poplar

Chrisp Street Hub 6-8 Vesey Path, Poplar, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Introduction to ride marshal course – Clerkenwell

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Introduction to ride marshal course – Clerkenwell 2

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Introduction to ride marshal course – Clerkenwell 3

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Canceled Introduction to ride marshal course – Southwark

Dockhead Fire Station 8 Wolseley St, London, United Kingdom
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places - […]

Ride Marshal Training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: – family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places – […]

LCC Community Skills Summit

University of East London Docklands West Building, University of East London Docklands campus, University Way, London, United Kingdom
    London Cycling Campaign

Interested in cycling, active travel and campaigning for a better London? Join for a day of workshops and networking exploring how to make London a safer place for anyone to cycle, walk and wheel; a London that’s greener, cleaner and healthier. All welcome, especially if you're new to campaigning. Visit https://lcc.org.uk/news/lcc-community-skills-summit-2023/ to register and for […]

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays

Eccleston Yards 21 Eccleston Place, London, United Kingdom
    Westminster Cycling Campaign

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays is on the 3rd Saturday of every month at Eccleston Yards and has three free activities for anyone to join. Eccleston Yard is a friendly space in the heart of Victoria with cafes, restaurants and toilet facilities. 1. Easy Family Bike Ride, 10:30am Each month there is a family […]

Canceled Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays

Eccleston Yards 21 Eccleston Place, London, United Kingdom
    Westminster Cycling Campaign

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays is on the 3rd Saturday of every month at Eccleston Yards and has three free activities for anyone to join. Eccleston Yard is a friendly space in the heart of Victoria with cafes, restaurants and toilet facilities. 1. Easy Family Bike Ride, 10:30am Each month there is a family […]

Introduction to ride marshal training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides/community rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places […]

Event Series Cycle Buddies Evening Webinar
  • Recurring event

Cycle Buddies Evening Webinar

    London Cycling Campaign

Do you want to cycle more? Perhaps to build confidence on the bike and on the road, or to ride a journey like the route to college or work. On our regular call for new and returning cyclists we give tips, offer advice and answer questions. Some of our cycle buddies are on hand to […]

Introduction to ride marshal training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides/community rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places […]

Canceled Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays

Eccleston Yards 21 Eccleston Place, London, United Kingdom
    Westminster Cycling Campaign

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays is on the 3rd Saturday of every month at Eccleston Yards and has three free activities for anyone to join. Eccleston Yard is a friendly space in the heart of Victoria with cafes, restaurants and toilet facilities. 1. Easy Family Bike Ride, 10:30am Each month there is a family […]

Introduction to ride marshal training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides/community rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places […]

Introduction to ride marshal training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides/community rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places […]

Freedom Ride Final Marshal Briefing and Route Recce

Lincoln's Inn Fields 44 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This is the final rider briefing and route recce for the Women's Freedom ride which is on the following Sunday. If you have volunteered to be a marshal on the freedom ride, it is not required that you attend this session, but it is encouraged. We especially encourage those that are volunteering for the first […]

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays

Eccleston Yards 21 Eccleston Place, London, United Kingdom
    Westminster Cycling Campaign

Belgravia and Pimlico Family Cycle Saturdays is on the 1st Saturday of every month at Eccleston Yards and has three free activities for anyone to join. Eccleston Yard is a friendly space in the heart of Victoria with cafes, restaurants and toilet facilities. 1. Easy Family Bike Ride, 10:30am Each month there is a family […]

Introduction to ride marshal training

The Allen Hall Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate, London
    London Cycling Campaign

This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Marshal with London Cycling Campaign. Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as: - family rides/community rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places […]

North Westminster Family Cycle Saturdays

Westminster Wheels community bike shop 41-45 Church Street, London
    Westminster Cycling Campaign

North Westminster Cycle Saturdays is on the 1st Saturday of every month meeting at Westminster Wheels. Easy Family Bike Ride, 10:30am Each month there is a family bike ride led by one of our instructors. This will be a safe and social and fun ride around Westminster and a great way to learn new routes […]