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Circular ride from Faversham via Whitstable and Canterbury

Saturday July 27 2024 @ 10:00 am

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NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/circular-cycle-ride-from-faversham-via-whitstable-and-canterbury-tickets-950066222647
All day excursion by train with Jamie leading. Here are his (very) full instructions. Please read carefully.
Mission. To cycle this enjoyable ride in three phases covering a total distance of about 30 miles.
Phase 1 will be to cycle on quiet roads from Faversham to reach the Kent coast at Sea Salter and on to Whitstable beach where we will stop for an hour.
Phase 2 will be to cycle from Whitstable to Canterbury along the iconic and scenic ‘Crab & Winkle Way’ off road route. This uses a disused railway line. Note parts involve a brief climb on unsurfaced woodland tracks.
Phase 3 will be from Canterbury back to Faversham along the river Stour on quiet roads with a few gentle climbs.
This ride is suitable for competent and experienced riders.
Coordinating Instructions and Timings
Riders will depart from the main entrance of Faversham Station at 10.00am on Saturday 27th July. We expect to finish back at Faversham Station by 4.30pm.
Please note that the finish time back at Faversham cannot be guaranteed in the event of unforeseen random issues on the day. This is not a suitable ride for any riders with a tight agenda that afternoon/evening.
Faversham Station is easily accessible by train and car and has its own car park at the rear. Riders coming by train are advised to book their return rail ticket to Faversham station in advance. Most Trains are from Victoria Station and travel via Bromley South station with a journey time of approximately 1hr 15minutes.
Rations and Water
We will stop at approx. midday for fish & chips etc on Whitstable Seafront at the Old Neptune Pub. Riders are welcome to bring their own picnics. We may stop later in Canterbury for a cup of tea before returning to Faversham if time permits.
ABC bike checks
Due to the rural nature of our route, Riders are urged to carry-out a basic pre-check of their bikes serviceability before the event. A = Air in tyres, B = Brakes, C= Chain & gears etc as there are no obvious cycle repair shops available on our route except for in central Canterbury.
Riders are advised to bring: Water, a fleece, waterproof jacket & trousers, a bike lock & cycle lights.
Feel free to contact Jamie beforehand at jamie.pedrick@outlook.com with any queries regarding this event. I will also be contactable on the day by phone: 07976 803741.
Note from Ride Co-rdinator. This is a much longer ride than our usual pattern and involves some off-road unsurfaced paths. Only attempt this ride if you and your bike are in condition to complete it. If in doubt, feel free to contact Jamie and discuss things (contact details above).

General points about Southwark Healthy Rides
Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Same for “adults at risk”. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users can feel safe. If you cannot make a ride, please cancel so that someone else can take the place. How to cancel link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/help/en-gb/articles/575010/how-to-cancel-your-free-registration/
This ride is organised by Southwark Cyclists, and is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides, more information at https://southwarkcyclists.org.uk/healthy-rides/. Southwark Cyclists are part of the London Cycling Campaign. This ride is organised by volunteers. If you have any feedback, good or bad, please get in touch with info@lcc.org.uk. For details of LCC’s Safeguarding and other policies please see lcc.org.uk

Event Details

July 27, 2024
10:00 am - 4:30 pm
Event Categories:
Southwark Cyclists
07729 279 945
Faversham Station
Faversham Station, Station Road
Faversham, Kent ME13 8EA United Kingdom
+ Google Map

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