Cycle With Barts is a cycling programme open to people using Barts Health NHS services and for their families. We run sessions for participants at Newham, Whips Cross, Royal London and Homerton Hospitals.
This ride is a celebration of the project and is open to regular Cycle With Barts particpants and their families as well as NHS staff and their families and friends.
You can join the ride in three places:
Start 1 – Leyton Jubilee Park
Start 2 – Chrisp Street Cycle Hub, Poplar
Start 3 – Queen Street Freecycle route
The ride will be led by one of the patient participants from Cycle With Barts who has completed ride leader training and supported by volunteer marshals and a cycling instructor.
If you are a confident rider and would like to help marshal, consider signing up to the ride marshal training ahead of the ride –
The times for the return trip will be agreed nearer the time.
To find out more about Freecycle –