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Ealing Cycling Campaign: Gears Without Tears Workshop

Sunday July 21 2024 @ 9:45 am

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Meet outside Ealing Town Hall from 9.45am for a 10am start. Finish around 12.30pm including time for refreshments in a local park.

Short practical course on how to use your gears more effectively when riding your bike.

Are you confused by having too many gears? Do you know how to use your gears effectively? Do you get confused when people talk about “high” and “low” gears? Do you wonder why other cyclists seem to sail up hills when you’re stuck halfway?

This is a short course on how to make good use of your gears. There will be a number of short explanations about some aspect of gearing followed by practical exercises for you to apply the explanation to your bike. You will learn to use your gears so that riding your bike becomes easier and more comfortable.

Important: make sure that the gears on your bike work before coming along (by work we mean that you can change into any gear combination without problems). This is not a course about bike maintenance or making technical adjustments to the gearing on your bike.

Event Details

July 21, 2024
9:45 am - 12:30 pm
Event Category:
Ealing Town Hall
Ealing Town Hall W5 2BY + Google Map

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