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Introduction to ride marshal course – Clerkenwell 3

Wednesday May 17 2023 @ 6:00 pm

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This course is an introduction to the role of Ride Leader with London Cycling Campaign.

Local LCC groups run a number of different types of led-rides such as:
– family rides aimed at new and returning cyclists, these are mostly in the local neighbourhood and link up green spaces, quiet ways and popular places
– protest and campaigning rides aimed at drawing attention to a particular campaign or infrastructure need
– health and leisure rides mostly for social, leisure and site seeing, often for more confident cyclists and popular with regular attendees
– feeder rides which can be quite big and complex and travel in from the local borough to events in the centre of London such as the LCC Women’s Freedom Ride and FreeCycle.

This course is intended as an introduction for people who would like to get more involved with rides in their local group or with other groups around London. It is also a refresher course for people who are already leading rides regularly. It is open to anyone who is considering volunteering as a Ride Leader with LCC and is suitable for cyclists who are confident riding on the road even in challenging circumstances.

The course is spilt in to two parts. The first part is class room based and participants discuss and explore the different elements of being a ride leader. What qualities are needed, what preperation is needed before a ride, how to put a team together, what does a risk assessment look like, what to expect on the ride itself. The second part is a practical session on the road where participants will have a go at leading the group on the road, as well as taking on the other roles of Backstop and marshal.

You need:
Your own bike and lock
Some lunch or money for lunch
To take all your belongings with you – once the classroom session is finished, the group will leave the classroom and won’t return.

Event Details

May 17, 2023
6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Event Category:
London Cycling Campaign
020 7234 9310
View Organizer Website
The Allen Hall
Unit 1 Dobson Court, Bourne Estate
London, EC1N 7AA
+ Google Map

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