NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link:
10am, Peckham Square (next to Peckham Pulse Leisure Centre and Peckham Library). Back by 12.30. Bruce leading. Not sure of route but will be usual easy-paced ride mostly on quiet streets and paths with a short coffee break about half way. Ideal opportunity to check out the new bike you were given for Christmas, or just any new gear. And will burn off a few of the excess calories consumed during the festivities. Everyone welcome.
Riders of all ages are welcome on Healthy Rides but under 18s must be accompanied by a responsible adult. Same for “adults at risk”. Always give way to pedestrians and to other cyclists so all path users feel safe. If you cannot make a ride, please cancel so that someone else can take the place. This ride is part of a regular programme of Saturday rides, more information at