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LCC Women’s Network Webinar: Reporting incidents to the police

Wednesday November 27 2024 @ 7:00 pm

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Woman of colour cycling past Parliament wearing helmet and navy top and black trousers, raising left hand in a fist

An online women’s webinar on how to report incidents to the police

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Online-only event, 7pm-8pm

This webinar will answer questions like, What’s the point in reporting? When is sexual harassment a crime? How can I report in the most effective way? Do I need a helmet cam? How can I keep myself safe in a threatening situation?

Our survey on What Stops Women Cycling in London? found that many women don’t report incidents they encounter when cycling, like harassment, threats or dangerous driving, to the police. We want you to leave this webinar feeling equipped and empowered to report crimes as they occur, and to know when a crime has been committed.


Mike Daly is a Sergeant in the Met Police’s Cycle Safety Team.  He has been a police officer since 2001.  He has worked in a diverse range of roles from roads policing to child abuse investigation and safer neighbourhoods.  He has cycled for sport and commuting for over 30 years and is now supporting his wife, daughter and son in their cycling adventures.

Rose Simkins is CEO of Stop Hate UK. She joined in January 2006 as Chief Executive and has led the Charity through a significant period of growth and change, developing it from a racial harassment focused organisation, into one that now covers every aspect of Hate Crime, through its pioneering 24-hour reporting services. The helpline has supported several thousands of people in their time of need, receiving over 3,000 contacts every year and is a nationally recognised modem for challenging and reporting all forms of hate crime. This has resulted in positive action and improved processes in many local authorities across the UK as the Helpline service supports and complements local Hate Crime strategies.

Georgina Wilcox is a member of the LCC Women’s Network. She lives in Camden, where her main method of transport is a retired Royal Mail postal bike. On the weekends she likes to take her road bike for journeys further afield into Kent, Surrey, Hertfordshire or the Chilterns. Georgina has used camera footage to successfully prosecute drivers following incidents of dangerous driving, the majority of which occured on these longer rides.

There will be ample time for Q&A.

Everyone is welcome at this webinar. It will tackle issues of gendered abuse alongside general harassment, so will be particularly useful for women and allies.

Register here to attend

This webinar is run by the London Cycling Campaign Women’s Network. The network was launched early in 2023 because in London, less than 1 in 3 cycle trips are made by women in spite of women being 51% of the population. We believe that accessible, safe, cheap and sustainable transport is a feminist issue. We campaign for change in three key areas:

  • Addressing physical safety for women when cycling
  • Addressing social safety for women when cycling
  • Thinking beyond the commute, to create safe local networks for cycling

At this webinar, you can also meet fellow campaigners and hear more about how to get involved.

Register for free to attend


Event Details

November 27, 2024
7:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Event Category:
London Cycling Campaign
020 7234 9310
View Organizer Website
London Cycling Campaign
Unit 206, The Record Hall
16-16A Baldwin Gardens, EC1N 7RJ United Kingdom
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