Learn how to fix your bike and get repairs done.
Our expert mechanics will help you check and make minor repairs to your bike.
Children, teenagers and young people particularly welcome.
Arrive with your bike to this free drop-in session. When it’s your turn, the mechanic will show you how to check your bike and then teach you how to do any necessary repair yourself. While you’re waiting for your turn, you can observe what others are doing. We have a full set of tools and some basic spare parts (brake pads, cables, inner tubes, repair kits). If your bike needs a part we haven’t got, then you can bring it with you to the next workshop.
We plan to focus on easily do-able repairs, like brakes, cables, tyres/inner tubes, tuning gears etc, as these are the type of things you can do yourself in the future. If your bike requires a complex, time-consuming repair we will advise you as how to get it done.
These are free drop-in sessions and we sometimes get quite busy so apologies if you have to wait.
The workshops are jointly organised with Leaside Trust and are free but donations will be welcome.
The workshops are jointly organised with Deptford Folk and are free but donations will be welcome. More info on our website.
Get in contact if you have any questions.