South Westminster Family Rides are open to anyone to join. We meet at Eccleston Yards on the thirds Saturday of the month. There is also a Dr Bike mechanic at Eccleston Yards from 10am so you can get your bike ready for the ride. To book a spot on the ride, log-in and send me a message. The rides will last about an hour and a half-two hours will be on quiet roads and cycle paths.
This is a great way to learn some good cycling routes in South Westminster as well having a nice socialable ride. Dates and venue: Eccleston Yards – 3rd Saturday of the month. 10am-1pm 2023: 21/10, 18/11, 16/12 2024: 20/1, 17/2, 16/3, 20/4, 18/5, 15/6, 20/7, 17/8, 21/9, 19/10
There will also be a Dr Bike doing basic bike maintenance open to everyone, whether you’re joining the ride or not.
We also have a cycling isntructor available for 1:1 lessons. To book a session with the instructor, contact us through our Cycle Buddies profile.
We’ll be at Eccleston Yards from 10am-1pm. The led ride will start at 10:45 so you’ve got time to get your bike looked at first.
The Dr Bike and cycle skills sessions will run from 10am-1pm.
The sign up below is for the bike ride only. Just turn up for Dr Bike, but contact us to book a cycle skills session.
You’ll find us here – What3Words