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People at LCC AGM event voting

How we're run

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Founded in 1978, the London Cycling Campaign is a registered charity.

We’ve grown from humble beginnings in a meeting room in Fleet Street, to having over 12,000 members, an active local group in all 33 London boroughs, and a strong staff team and Board of Trustees.

We’re proud of our successes in helping to grow cycling across Greater London, and we actively campaign for greater change.

We’re member-led and with a dedicated staff team and Board of Trustees. Find out more about how we operate below.

Our Constitution

People talking at LCC AGM event

Articles of Association

Our key governing document.

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The London Cycling Campaign is a registered charity no. 1115789, and we provide annual audited London Cycling Campaign accounts.

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People at LCC AGM event voting

LCC Annual General Meetings

Where our members get to set the agenda for the year ahead.

LCC AGM Go to this post
A group sitting around a table and discussing a map of cycle routes at the LCC AGM

Board and Committee Standing orders

How our Board and committees conduct their business.

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Woman with microphone at LCC event

Board Code of Conduct

Ensuring that our Board members and Trustees can carry out their role effectively and to the benefit of LCC, its members and beneficiaries.

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Woman with microphone at LCC AGM event

Board Minutes

A record of the Board's discussions and decision making.

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LCC protest ride with man cycling

Model Group Constitution

In order for a group of LCC activists to be recognised as an official LCC Group it must notify the LCC office that it has formally adopted this constitution or, if it wishes to adopt a modified version, then submit it to the LCC office for approval.

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Person voting with red card at LCC AGM event

Raising a complaint

LCC tries to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for activists, staff and the general public. If things are going wrong, find out what to do here.

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Helping us improve

LCC is committed to providing a high-quality service to everyone we deal with. In order to do this we need to hear your feedback, and for you to tell us when things go wrong.

Please email us with any comments.


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Norman Ma with electric cargo bike