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A group of LCC activists smiling and holding up red LCC signs. Tower Bridge is visible behind them.

Become a trustee

Why you should consider becoming an LCC Trustee in 2022


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We are seeking people to stand for election to our Board of Trustees.

The deadline for nominations has been extended to 9am Monday 12th September 2022.

To apply, please download and return a completed Nomination Form to agm@lcc.org.uk.

This year is an opportunity to add fresh faces to our Board of Trustees, particularly from people with the skills and lived experience to oversee LCC’s work to make London a cycling city.

As LCC grows our Trustees need to better reflect our membership and we would particularly like to welcome candidates from diverse cultural backgrounds in London to bring their experiences to the Board. We are also keen to add to the existing trustee skillsets – if you have strong business, finance or HR experience, particularly in the post-pandemic flexible working world, we’d welcome you putting your name forward.

Due to a combination of the three-year cycle of a trustee’s term, and some trustees deciding to stand down after many years’ service, there are seven vacancies in the 2022 election to the LCC Board.

What do Trustees do?

LCC’s ten-strong Board of Trustees play a vital oversight role. They review our work and check the charity is in good shape, ensuring the CEO and staff team are working in the most effective way towards our campaigning goals. Trustees have ultimate responsibility for making sure LCC’s finances are well-managed, as well as ensuring legal and regulatory compliance.

What do you get out of it?

Being a charity trustee is a great way to skill up in leadership and governance. There are opportunities to get involved in the oversight of all manner of activities, from safeguarding to equality work. You get to network with people across London and beyond who have deep insight and expertise in cycling, transport, active travel, the climate emergency and more. You also get to change the future of cycling in London, and shape our city for the better.

Our Trustees say:

“As a Londoner I was keen to help reclaim our roads; I saw LCC as an effective pressure group making roads better for cyclists”

“The LCC has offered an avenue to talk to my local council about improving the local cycling infrastructure.” 

[Speaking on behalf of LCC at a protest] “While it was a sad occasion, it was also empowering to feel the energy of so many people.”

[Being part of an LCC event] “It felt really powerful and dynamic with a great sense of community”

What are the requirements?

You need to be someone who is enthusiastic about cycling. People get involved for a variety of reasons and your motivations can come from any angle of our work, from family cycling and community organising to infrastructure design and climate campaigning. All cycling backgrounds are welcome and your own skills, insights and contacts are valuable to help LCC’s work.

You need to be able to commit a minimum of five days per year to your role as an LCC Trustee. Your application to become a Trustee also needs to be supported by two current LCC members.

Each person elected this autumn will serve as a Trustee for three years until October 2025.

Once elected, Trustees are encouraged to join one of three committees (Campaigns and Active Membership, Business, or HR) and will be expected to be a ‘link Trustee’ for three or four of our local volunteer borough groups. This means getting to know the issues and concerns of those local groups and attending two or three of their meetings during the year.

As with life in general, the more you are able to put in, the more you will get out of being a Trustee.

How to apply

To apply, please download and return a completed Nomination Form to agm@lcc.org.uk.

This includes your details, details of the LCC members supporting you (Trustee candidates are required to be nominated by two other LCC members), a photo of yourself and a 500 word statement supporting your nomination. Your statement will be shared with all LCC members to persuade them why they should elect you. When writing it, think about why you would like to stand, and what you can offer.

Elections will take place online in mid-September by a ballot of all LCC members.

The results of the elections will be announced at the LCC 2022 AGM on Saturday 15 October 2022.

Completed Trustee nomination forms must be received by 9am Monday 12 September.
Please consider being an LCC Trustee: help change London for the better.