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Woman with bike at LCC protest ride

What stops women cycling in London?

Women of London! Tell us what makes cycling harder for you - or puts you off altogether. Closes 5 June

Take our survey

Are you a woman who cycles – or would like to cycle – in London?

LCC’s Women’s Network wants to ask you what puts you off riding a bike in our city – what makes you less likely to cycle, or feel less comfortable when you do.

Have you experienced abuse or aggression while cycling? Do you regularly have to choose between cycling on dangerously busy roads with no safe space for cycling and quiet, unlit routes where you feel at risk of attack? Or maybe you don’t feel able to ride a bike in London at all…

We’re trying to capture the experiences that too many women face who want to cycle their everyday trips, especially the threat to their personal safety. (Where we say women, we also include people who are non-binary or non-gender conforming.) The more responses we get, the more accurately we can target our campaign for women’s freedom to ride. And you might be a lucky Lime Bike goody bag winner!


Woman on a bike dressed in suffragette colours - purple, white and green

Woman raising fist and holding bike in front of her dressed as a suffragette at LCC protest ride

LCC Women's freedom protest ride

Too many journeys in London still don’t work for women who want to cycle, with more than two thirds of daily cycle trips by men. The 1,000 strong LCC Women’s Freedom Ride in March made it clear that there is a huge appetite for that to change. But that was just the beginning!

  • The LCC Women’s Network is now up and running, with a steering group and regular meetings and events planned. We would love more women to join and help our work – sign up here.
  • We have a petition calling on the Mayor to achieve equal cycling numbers for women and men in London by 2030 – please sign and share so we can hit 2,000 signatures
  • And in March next year – the LCC Women’s Freedom Riders will be out again in force, with an even bigger and better ride!

What’s the women’s campaign calling for?

We want to see riding a bike made safe, easy and convenient for women of all ages, backgrounds and abilities, across the whole of London.

Being able to get around safely, cheaply and independently can be life-changing for women. On average, women have less free time, less disposable income, less access to motor vehicles and more caring responsibilities than men. We suspect that fear of cycling in motor traffic, fear of abuse from other road users or the risk of using quiet, out-of-the way cycle routes, and a lack of safe cycle infrastructure for local journeys are all barriers to women riding a bike in London.

So we are calling on the Mayor of London to ensure cycling is an inclusive mode of transport that men and women use equally, across London, by 2030, by:

  • Addressing physical safety for women when cycling
  • Addressing social safety for women when cycling
  • Thinking beyond the commute, to create safe local networks for cycling.

You can read more and sign the petition here.

Want a better city for cycling?

Women make highly effective campaigners! Add your voice to our campaign by joining LCC. As a charity, our 12,000+ members across London make our work possible.


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Woman on yellow bike cycling through park in sunshine