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London Bridge to Hackney Marshes Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-bridge-to-hackney-marshes-ride-tickets-1221020137099?aff=oddtdtcreator Early 9.30 start from London Bridge (Southwark Gateway Needle). Cross the river probably over London Bridge, make our way to Cycleway 2 and follow this through Whitechapel and Mile End, to Bow. Join the Lea Navigation path and follow it up to Hackney […]

Boxing Day Ride – City Livery Halls

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/boxing-day-ride-city-livery-halls-tickets-1110160212079 As in previous years Werner will be leading a short ride on the morning of Boxng Day. A chance to burn off a few calories to make space for lunch. Meet 10am, London Bridge (Southwark Gateway Needle). Finish back there around […]

Christmas Lights

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/christmas-lights-southwark-cyclists-ride-tickets-1110153311439 After last year, swore never to repeat this ride. However, by popular demand… 4.00 pm start. London Bridge, south side, next to Southwark Gateway Needle, Bruce leading, Werner assisting. Hope to be back by 6.30 pm. Ride will be in 3 […]

London Bridge to Camden Market – Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for ride on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-bridge-to-camden-market-cycle-ride-tickets-1075712066749 Camden Lock – shops, markets, cafes, busy. On a ride, normally avoid it. However, it is a great destination – and lots of options for a coffee stop. Start 9.30am (note early time) at Southwark Needle (south end of London Bridge, […]

London Libraries Ride from London Bridge

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE 1. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-libraries-ride-from-london-bridge-tickets-1065869126249 Eva will lead a ride to a select group of London's libraries, from the more off-piste choices such as the Marx Memorial Library and the Library of Freemasonry to the magnificent British Library. It's a fairly flat ride of ca […]

London Bridge to Parliament Hill – Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/parliament-hill-ride-from-london-bridge-tickets-1060924627119 Start 10am, Southwark Gateway Needle, south side of London Bridge. Eduardo leading and aiming to get back around 1.30pm. Route outward via Kings Cross, return through Regents Park. Coffee break at Parliament Hill Fields and time to walk up to the […]

The Stirling Prize Finalists Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-stirling-prize-finalists-cycle-ride-tickets-1046740387677 BBC London News has been highlighting the 4 sites in London that have been shortlisted for the Stirling Prize for best new building projects. Bruce has designed a route that will allow us to evaluate each one. The locations are Chowdhury […]

Southwark Healthy Ride to Trinity Buoy Wharf and Barrier Park

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/trinity-buoy-wharf-and-barrier-park-cycle-ride-tickets-1046736165047 Start/finish Southwark Needle, south side London Bridge, 9.30am. NOTE EARLY START. Amanda leading and aiming to finish before 1.30pm. We subtitled this ride the first time we did it in 2018 “The New, The Old and The Derelict”. There is now […]

The Big Tourist Sites and Hyde Park – Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-big-tourist-sites-and-hyde-park-cycle-ride-tickets-1034953171797 Start at Southwark Needle, London Bridge, 10.00. Route: Cannon Street, Queen Street, Thames cycle path (Cycleway 3), Parliament Sq, Buckingham Palace, Hyde Park. Using the Serpentine Bridge round the boating lake. Return via The Mall, Westminster Bridge, Tate Modern and Borough Market, […]

Southwark Healthy Ride to Bromley and Orpington

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/southwark-healthy-ride-to-bromley-and-orpington-tickets-1030924622297 An excursion not the outer suburbs with a return by train. Famous Bromley resident H.G. Wells once described it as a “morbid spread of population”. But are the outer suburbs that depressing? Time for us to venture forth and check things […]

The Full Wandle

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-wandle-trail-tickets-1015656876057 This ride is a nice challenge: ride the entire Wandle Trail on a Saturday morning starting from Southwark Bridge (Southwark Needle, south east side of London Bridge). In fact we are going to cheat a bit by ending the ride at […]

London Bridge to Woolwich, by Elizabeth Line and cycling

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-bridge-to-woolwich-and-back-elizabeth-line-outward-cycling-back-tickets-1006609806027 The novelty on this ride is the use of the Elizabeth Line for the outward leg. The Elizabeth Line is the only deep line that allows full size bicycles. Some delays at lifts, but trains are roomy and will not be […]

Asylums, Hospitals, Almshouses and Colleges

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

Please register on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/asylums-hospitals-almshouses-and-colleges-a-cycle-ride-tickets-995434049037 This epic ride will take you on a journey into London’s social history viewed through the buildings that housed and sheltered people in difficulty. Figure of eight route starting and finishing at the Southwark Gateway Needle, South side of London Bridge, Begins with a […]

London Bridge to Kensington Palace

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/london-bridge-to-kensington-palace-circular-ride-tickets-980261968937. Do not turn up for rides if you have not been able to register. Start 9.30 am at London Bridge (The Southwark Needle, south side). Est finish 1:00pm. Amanda leading a circular ride. Out along the south side of the river […]

A Mosaic-Themed Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-mosaic-themed-cycle-ride-tickets-941442559037 A new Healthy Ride to be led by our experienced Ride Leader Eva B. Eva will be leading a fairly flat ride on a Mosaic theme including the mosaics at Queenhithe, Shepherdess Walk, Hackney Hounds and a few inspired by William […]

Five Hawksmoor Churches – Southwark Healthy Ride

Southwark Gateway Needle London, Greater London, United Kingdom
    Southwark Cyclists

NOTE. Please also register for rides on Eventbrite so we can limit numbers, link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/five-hawksmoor-churches-cycle-ride-tickets-922410172657 Nicholas Hawksmoor was a contemporary of Christopher Wren and worked with Wren on several major buildings including St Pauls. Later in his career he designed and supervised the building of several major projects. The best known are his London churches […]