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Dangerous Junctions

Most serious and fatal collisions happen at junctions – fixing them is one of the most important things we can do to make cycling in London safer.

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Safer Lorries for London

Lorries drive just 4% of vehicle miles in London but are involved in over half of fatal collisions with cyclists. We campaign to design out danger.

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Women's Freedom

Less than one third of cycle trips in London are taken by women - we want to close the gap and unlock cycling for women.

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London’s best-ever year for cycling

We’ve seen the highest ever number of daily cycle journeys in London at 1.33 million per day – equivalent to a third of all daily tube journeys.

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London and Paris: A Tale of Two Cities

How do London & Paris compare on public transport, mode share, driving costs & more?

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Too weak, Sadiq!

Plans to improve London's second most dangerous junction for cycling are not good enough. Take action and tell Sadiq today that we need better!

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Going Dutch in London

Patrick van IJzendoorn, a Dutchman who has pedalled more than 50,000km on London roads in the last seven years, compares his two homelands

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Our legal partner Osbornes Law is on hand to offer advice to all LCC members. If you ever need legal advice on a cycling matter, don’t hesitate to contact Osbornes.


LCC is highly effective because it's supported by more than 12,000 members. If you cycle in London please consider joining today. You'll be supporting our work and you'll get a huge range of benefits.


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Man standing leaning on fixie bike