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Give as you shop

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Did you know you can create a greener London as you shop?

It’s easy to support our campaigning with your shopping basket as some of the UK’s biggest brands from John Lewis to Tesco have signed up to give a percentage of your spend back to charity, every time you shop online – and it doesn’t cost you a penny.


Join more than 2 million shoppers using a network of 7000 brands to donate small, frequent amounts to their favourite causes for free.

It doesn’t cost you anything extra – just head to the easyfundraising website, start your shopping and the retailer will make the donation to us on your behalf.

To remember to use easyfundraising when shopping online, use its donation reminder extension for Chrome browser.

Find out more and sign up on easyfundraising’s website.

Give as you Live

You can support London Cycling Campaign for free while you shop online through Give as you Live.

When you shop at over 6000 online stores, you’ll automatically generate funds with each purchase that help make London a cycling city at no extra cost to you. The donation amount varies from store to store and purchase to purchase and is often between 1-10%.

Give As You Live also has a donation reminder browser extension to help you remember to use it as you shop.

See Give as you Live’s website for full details.


LCC is highly effective because it's supported by 12,000 members. If you cycle in London please consider joining today. You'll be supporting our work and you'll get a huge range of benefits in return.


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Woman booking a Santander hire bike