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LCC bike mechanic working on bike

Workplace Membership

Workplace membership is a great way to encourage and support active and sustainable travel to and from the workplace.


LCC will work with you

Workplace membership can be integrated into your organisation’s environmental sustainability or green travel plan, it can also support you objectives for improving staff health and well-being or reducing environmental impact.

LCC will work with you to understand and tackle the barriers that prevent your people from choosing to cycle to work. We’ll develop cost effective plans and design activities to support and encourage your employees to start cycling.


How workplace membership benefits your organisation

Workplace Members have access to specialist guidance, developed by LCC, for employers to encourage cycling and reduce carbon footprints.

The package includes delivering activities that encourage and support cycling in the workplace.

Options include:

  • Two half day cycle maintenance training workshops – LCC mechanics train and support employees to carry out bike safety checks and basic repairs.
  • Four bike safety check sessions – each visit lasts four hours where 20+ bikes are checked to make sure you staff are safe on the road.
  • Two cycle training days – one-on-one or small group cycle training session.
  • One active travel guidance day – the LCC team visit your workplace and provide advice for employees on starting cycling.

Pricing starts at £2000. Benefits can be tailored to your requirements.

How workplace membership benefits your team

As a Workplace Member your whole team will receive a 50% discount on individual LCC membership, which will mean they enjoy:

  • Free third-party insurance
  • Discounts in more than 100 London bike shops
  • Free London Cyclist magazine
  • Reduced price on theft insurance
  • Legal advice and helpline in case they’re ever involved in a collision
  • Access to the LCC team for Cycling advice and information
  • Membership of their local LCC group
  • Great savings and special offers with all these brands

Get In Touch

If you're interested in finding out more about LCC Workplace Membership then please get in touch with our Cycling Services team.


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NHS staff standing with bike in front of hospital