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Frontage of King's Cross station with pedestrian plaza and iconic double arched windows

Kings Cross Coalition

We’re building a coalition of local businesses to help transform Kings Cross

We’re calling for a bolder, simpler approach that knits King’s Cross back together, calms motor traffic and makes walking, wheeling and cycling much safer. These improvements will transform the area into a pleasant place to stop, meet, eat & drink, and work.

If you’re based in the area and you want your business to pledge support, please contact us using the form below, or use our draft email template to send further information to decision makers in your organisation.

Request Information

If your business or workplace is based near Kings Cross and you're keen to support the coalition, please fill in the form below and we'll be in touch with more information.

If you are a decision maker within your organisation, this would be useful for us to know!

Build Support

You can use the email wording below as a starting point to share information and ask your employer to pledge support – you could send it to members of your Senior Management Team, or people responsible for sustainability, CSR, or HR. You could also circulate information to other colleagues who cycle to work or who may be interested.

Example Email Text

“Dear [all],

I’ve just come across an exciting new campaign to make the King’s Cross area much safer for people walking and cycling.

London Cycling Campaign (LCC) has identified the system of junctions around King’s Cross as one of the most dangerous in London and in response, they’re building support amongst organisations like us to bring about change.

Most of our team, visitors and customers take public transport, walk or cycle here and so it is essential that all these journeys can be made safely.

LCC are calling on the Mayor, TfL and Camden Council to take these simple steps to reduce unnecessary motor traffic and make the area safer for active travel;

  • Improve and create safe cycle corridors to the area, including protected cycle tracks.
  • Better and more direct pedestrian crossings and wider pavements.
  • Ensure that left-turning motor vehicles and cyclists are always separated.

Not only can we be a part of this much needed change, there are also multiple opportunities for brand exposure online and in print.

To find out more about how we can pledge our support, please follow this link.

Best wishes,”


LCC is highly effective because it's supported by 12,000 members. If you cycle in London please consider joining today. You'll be supporting our work and you'll get a huge range of benefits in return.


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People cycling in yellow ponchos