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Islington feeder ride to Kidical Mass Spring 2024

Sunday March 24 2024 @ 11:30 am

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Join us at Freightliners Farm on our short feeder ride (6 km) to join Kidical Mass at Tate Modern and then cycle with the whole group to Dulwich. There will be marshals on both rides to make sure everyone is safe. There will be a break while the main group assembles just behind Tate Modern so take snacks and drinks with you; it’s thirsty and hungry work cycling ! Be prepared for any weather which is thrown at us although we hope that March will be going out like a lion having come in as a very wet lamb.

Why are we talking about animals ? Well, because the theme of Kidical Mass ride is Animal Disco so let your imaginations run riot ! More on their social media: https://twitter.com/kidicalmasslond?lang=en-GB

Please book one ticket for each family member and if you have to cancel a place, please let coordinator@cycleislington.org.uk know. We will be taking a train back to Islington as we think it’s a bit far for families to ride back afterwards so remember to take your travel passes with you.

So pump up your tyres, test your brakes, oil your chain, tie up the dangly bits (ABCD – Steve our feeder ride leader will explain !) and see you at the Farm.

Event Details

March 24, 2024
11:30 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:
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Cycle Islington
Freightliners Farm
Sheringham Rd
London, N7 8PF
+ Google Map

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