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First date – cycle ride to Valentine’s Park !

Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Cycle Islington and Islington Cyclng Club are going on their first date ! We're off to where else but Valentine's Park on Saturday 10 February. It'll be a faster ride than usual for Cycle Islington and a 'green' paced ride for Islington Cycling Club; about 40 kms round trip at approx 12-15 km/h.  Most of […]

Islington feeder ride to Women’s Freedom Ride in Central London

Boer War memorial Highbury Fields 6 Highbury Crescent, London
    Cycle Islington

Start from the Boer War Memorial in Highbury Fields near the leisure centre. Meet at 1115 for a 1130 briefing and start. Marshalled ride suitable for families, all ages and abilities - under 18s must be accompanied. We will cycle through quiet back streets to the start of the Women's Freedom ride in Lincoln's Inn […]

Islington feeder ride to Kidical Mass Spring 2024

Freightliners Farm Sheringham Rd, London
    Cycle Islington

Join us at Freightliners Farm on our short feeder ride (6 km) to join Kidical Mass at Tate Modern and then cycle with the whole group to Dulwich. There will be marshals on both rides to make sure everyone is safe. There will be a break while the main group assembles just behind Tate Modern […]

London Loves Cycling – Junior Parkrun x Breakfast

Highbury Fields Highbury Place, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Come dine with us, or have breakfast at least. We'll be at the corner of Highbury Crescent and Highbury Place, opposite Highbury Baptist church, from 0930 till about 1200 on Sunday morning. Have a coffee and croissant and help mark up your ideas for improvements to our cycling map of Islington. It's junior parkrun that […]

Cycle Islington AGM and Quiz and raffle

Hocking Hall Yerbury Road, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

If you are an LCC member living in Islington, you are automatically a member of Cycle Islington and can vote at our 2024 AGM. More details are on our website https://cycleislington.uk/2024/hold-the-date-8-may-2024/. If you'd like to stand as a committee member, do get in touch with us. We always need volunteers to help and to give […]

FreeCycle: Islington Feeder Ride

Freightliners Farm Sheringham Rd, London
    Cycle Islington

Ford RideLondon FreeCycle is the ultimate ride for cyclists of all ages, abilities and backgrounds. Set on a traffic-free route, the event is a unique opportunity to explore central London by bike – and it's completely free! Join our LED Rides to and from the event If you're taking part in Ford RideLondon FreeCycle and […]

Islington Post Election Ride

Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Join Cycle Islington for a led ( not marshalled) post election ride ( over 18s) on Friday 5th July, staring at Islington Town hall ( Upper Street N1 2UD) at 18:00, Approx 32Km, experienced riders only please as some riding with traffic and various surfaces. Remember your lights. Come and explore some E-numbers. Route out […]

Cycle Islington “Little Legs” ride to Wray Crescent Festival

Boer War memorial Highbury Fields 6 Highbury Crescent, London
    Cycle Islington

A short 7Km ( less than an hour) family orientated group ride, for “little legs” to the Wray Crescent Festival The festival will host music, arts, sports for kids, fairground games, bouncy castle, the famed kids v. parents tug of war, hot drinks, and stalls selling flowers, gifts, food, and loads of community groups: Islington […]

Join in the Olympics !

Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Are you on form for the Olympic road race starting on 3 August ? Would you like a relatively leisurely warm-up on the evening of Friday 2 August ? We're doing a 'quiet routes' circular led ride, starting at the Town Hall, out to the Olympic Park (the one in Stratford, not Paris) taking in […]

Islington (over18) evening River Ride

Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Evening Ride from the town hall (18:30) south through the city, crossing over Southwark Bridge, staying south of the river until Battersea Power station and Battersea Park. Returning north of the river over Albert Bridge, and continuing north along the embankment to Blackfriars Bridge, then returning "home" through Clerkenwell finishing at a local pub. Approx […]

Islington Family Ride to Ecology Centre Apple Festival

Freightliners Farm Sheringham Rd, London
    Cycle Islington

A gentle, shortish (12km) family ride ( suitable for young acommpanied children) to the Apple festival ( 1200-1700) at the Ecology Centre, in Gillespie Park, Drayton Park Starting at Freighliners Farm, Sheringham Road, we shall use a predominantly low car route to the north of the borough. Paradise Park, Caledonian Park ( early coffee stop […]

Islington Feeder to Women’s Freedom Night Ride

Islington Town Hall Upper Street, London, United Kingdom
    Cycle Islington

Short 8km Ride from Islington Town Hall to the start of the Women's Freedom Night ride start at Marble Arch There will be lots of traffic on route due to road workings in Westminster Please note the new start time of  17.30 prompt at town hall, for led ride. ( less waiting at Marble Arch […]