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Climate Safe Streets

We're calling for zero-carbon roads in London by 2030.


What’s the biggest thing London can do to tackle the climate emergency? Help people drive less and cycle, walk and wheel more.

The Mayor has committed to a zero-carbon London by 2030. The Government has committed to half of all urban journeys being walked or cycled by 2030. Now every London borough has to take action.

We have developed specific action plans for every London borough to get more people walking, cycling and ditching the car, and to cut road transport emissions. If we don’t start right now, there’s no way London’s boroughs will catch up by 2030.

A plan for every London borough


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Zero Carbon Roads (2020)

LCC’s roadmap to deliver zero-carbon roads in London by 2030 and make it unnecessary for most Londoners to ever own a car again.

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A group of Climate Safe Streets champions gathered around a cargo bike all wearing green tee shirts.

Climate Safe Streets One Year On (2021)

Exploring how the pandemic has only increased the urgency to create sustainable, fairer and heathier transport systems.

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Climate Safe Streets One Year to Go (2023)

Progress on Climate Safe Streets reviewed for every London borough.

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Climate Safe Streets climate protest child with placard